Welcome to my Lab Notebook!

The purpose of this portion of my site is to act as a place to showcase/document/chronicle my learning & re-learning of web design, development, programming, etc.

remember in high school, how you had "lab noteboks"?

well, this is kind of like that, except it's not graded and it's just for my own personal reference, mostly.

I'm currently working through a few different coding bootcamps, learning paths, etc. Call them what you will. A list of the ones I'm working on follows below. I plan to add some navigation here soon, so that I can take notes and showcase various "projects" that they have me creating as I'm learning.

coding camps & learning paths:

*note: I got the pro version via them giving away scholarships to their Pro plan, due to COIVD-19; they have since given away their max # of scholarships (100k). This is the only paid resource that you'll see on this site.